Red Crown

Raising Daughters Of The King

Princesses that bring Honor to their Royal Father

Giving practical tips and encouragement to mommies of girls

A Game PlanJuly 2017

  1. Pray about the ways God wants you to raise His child.
  2. Start raising your child and observe as you go. God said of Abraham’s faith journey: While he walked, God led him; not while he sat and waited. Trust God each step of the way.
  3. Make fun memories with your child. Find ways to create fun family memories that include lots of laughter. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Of course, you know better than I do, resources like Pinterest and fun travel sites are out there like, SND Travels on Facebook, that can help you find inexpensive, great locations.
  4. Use many kind and affectionate words to build up your kids. (I’ve heard that sarcastic jokes can’t really be understood until kids reach a certain age. I just never chose to use them at all. I love humor but just not the kind that can be misunderstood and hurt hearts. I will caution you to use wisdom in all things – especially words.)
  5. Know yourself – flaws and gifts. Get help for personal past traumas so you can avoid passing those on to your children. I realized that I was a reactor, and that my reactions could close down communication rather than build it. We developed a simple way for the girls to warn me that they were about to tell me something that might cause me to react. They’d say: “Mom, don’t get mad but…[wait a few seconds, then proceed.]” Not exactly rocket science, but this helped our relationship to grow and to be able to share all things. Today, my adult daughters have told me to share that with you. They felt it was that much of a key to our past relationships and current friendship.
  6. Give your child opportunities to pray and allow them gradually to take responsibility for some of their choices. I’m sad to say that there are many church kids that over the years have asked my advice. My first question is usually: Have you prayed? Often they seem shocked and bewildered as to how to do that. It breaks my heart. Choose to make it key in your parenting. After all, eventually, they will one day stand before the Father and explain their choices. Train them how to seek God in their decision making.
  7. Help them know that you love them unconditionally, not just when they are ‘good’, and that you are proud of them. This will help them realize that they are imperfect and maybe that to repent from their sins is as natural as daily grooming.
  8. Seek out wisdom in parenting. You’ll be so glad you did.