Red Crown

Raising Daughters Of The King

Princesses that bring Honor to their Royal Father

Giving practical tips and encouragement to mommies of girls

Tip Thursday

A Priceless Gift – The Ability to Pray

Prayer is one of the best gifts we can give our children. Of course, it helps if we have a working knowledge and active practice in it ourselves. But, even if not, we should never let our flaws or lack of use to cause us to fail to teach our children that prayer is the key to everything. God is the one responsible (and determined) to show our kids that He hears them. Our job is to get them to pray; His job is to answer. What a delight when your 3-year-old prays for your headache, or your sick child asks you to pray for them, or your teenage daughter prays for her friends or future life-choices.

Start by having them pray over their meals, pray for people when they are sick, pray when there is a financial need. One of my favorites (and I think one of God’s favorites to answer immediately for children) is to teach them to pray when they can’t find something – usually that item appears quickly, and if not, it gives us the opportunity to teach them to trust and not worry. Either way, He delights to prove Himself as a listener and an answerer to our precious/His precious children.

What is an answer to prayer that God has sent to one of your children?

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