Red Crown

Raising Daughters Of The King

Princesses that bring Honor to their Royal Father

Giving practical tips and encouragement to mommies of girls

Coach's CornerJuly 2014

Somebody Prayed

I wonder if sharing some of my journey and current quest in understanding this truth will help you a little. Maybe there will be some small key or secret that will help you as you continue to seek to walk with God. In writing I have found that one of my keys is:

Somewhere, sometime, someone prayed for me.

—— My mom took me to Sunday school and church every Sunday, and I had a Sunday school teacher who loved Jesus and loved me enough to faithfully share the Gospel. Thank you, Mrs. Ingles. That dear teacher and the director came to my house to talk with my parents and to pray with me. Later, I KNEW that it was God who was offering me His free gift of salvation. He made it very clear to me that it was Him that was speaking (and doing all the work.) After I knew that I was His and He was mine and that I was forgiven, I joined that same little church and was baptized.

—— My mom continued to take me to Sunday school and church and then to Bible study (GA’s) and people prayed for me. I was loved by my church and I loved it dearly and I had fun there. I played softball, sang in youth choir, helped in VBS with my wonderful friends. I memorized Bible verses, prayed sincere prayers, sang songs that taught me about Jesus, and learned about missions by hearing missionary stories and serving others. By twelve, I knew that God was calling me to the mission field even though I didn’t feel worthy. And….someone prayed for me (Mr. Wright, Gwen Stanton, Mr. Woodring, and many more). Even as a teenager,

—— I prayed and prayed asking God what college to go to and what to study — basically, asking Him what He wanted me to do. And my whole church prayed for me. Then, when many are partying and feeling free for the first time,

—— I found a fellowship at college — of people who would be faithful friends to this day and, not surprisingly, it was called “4:30 Prayer Group”.

—— The biggest most impactful moments of my life were when I began to seek God about whether I was supposed to join some missionaries in Argentina after graduation. Oh, there were so many pros and cons to consider. But that was not the key. The key was my prayer of surrender. (Matthew 26:39,26:42)

It was praying and asking God what HE wanted me to do so genuinely and with all my heart to the point that it no longer mattered to me what I did as long as I felt sure I was doing what He wanted. That was truly a painful experience of seeking until I found.

It was a laying down of my desires and wishes so that His will would be accomplished. It is what got me through difficult times on the mission field, and later when He led me back to the States, what got me through tough times that we all go through.

It is what gets me through life now and what I long for with every breath — to be in His perfect will, wherever that may be, doing whatever He wants me to do.

My life has changed so much from the 10 year old little girl who first heard that she had worth to the middle-aged adult who still strives to quiet those voices that say it’s not true — but I know that my life is changing for the better each day from glory to glory. (2Cor.3:18) And on those days when I don’t seem to be able to walk in the truth of His value over my life, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it doesn’t change the fact that God values me and that one day I will awake in His likeness nd will see Him as He is.

—— So I keep pressing on, forgetting what lies behind and looking to the author and finisher of my faith. (Phil.3:13, Heb.12:2) And someone is still praying for me — for we know that we have Jesus Christ interceding for us. (Heb.7:25)

Keep pressing on as you discover (and help your daughters discover) your own keys in your journey and quest for worth in Christ!